10 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Catchphrases That Readers Love

“My name is Jean, and my comical best friend started referring to me using that phrase. We laughed each time she said it. Now, many years later, I would have never guessed how much I would long to hear her say that again. You see my BFF has had a series of strokes and can no longer be heard. Wish I had recorded her voice back then saying, ‘Jane, you ignorant slut.’”

— Jean Corvino, Somers, N.Y.

“We say it any time anyone on television does or says something absolutely stupid.”

— Kirsten LaRochelle, Savannah, Ga.

“As a teenager in the late ’70s/early ’80s, I was living in a Brady Bunch family (my mother, stepfather, sister, brother, stepsister, stepbrother, dog, me). Both parents worked, so we kids had chores and rules. The rules and the weekly chore chart, handwritten and illustrated by my mother, were prominently displayed so we wouldn’t forget. The last rule reads: ‘Your household encourages a pursuit of the “arts” — reading, trips to library, sewing, beauty culture, sports, exercise, writing letters, earning money, keeping a diary, painting & drawing, wildflower picking, etc. Don’t be an ignorant slut.’”

— Beth Piskora, Bloomfield, N.J.

“I’ve had fun with this over the years by saying it to ease the tension after I’ve done something foolish. It works best with people who don’t know me well because they usually don’t see me as someone who would say that. Sadly, my audience is shrinking and I get quizzical looks from people who are too young to recognize the reference!”

— Jane Renkes, Rock Falls, Ill.

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