Jake Heggie’s Adaptation of ‘Moby Dick’ Comes to the Metropolitan Opera

When “Moby Dick” opens at the Metropolitan Opera this week, audiences will experience a deeply American story of unchecked ambition, fomented grievances and a self-destructive desire for revenge. Based on Herman Melville’s 1851 novel, the opera delivers an economical and resolute retelling of the fateful tale of the Pequod, a ship in pursuit of a … Read more

TEFAF: Ecofeminism Returns, With a Renewed Focus on the Environment and Women

In 2018, the curator Catherine Taft began researching an exhibition on ecofeminism, assuming it would be a retrospective on a philosophy that had fallen out of fashion. Ecofeminism emerged from environmental, feminist, social justice and antinuclear activism in the 1970s. The movement resists traditional systems of patriarchy and capitalism that it contends subjugate women and … Read more

My Red Carpet Quest: A Two-Year Search for Steve

Times Insider explains who we are and what we do and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. Steve Olive was my white whale. I had been trying for two years to write a profile of Mr. Olive, the co-founder of Event Carpet Pros, the California-based company responsible for custom-making the colorful, though … Read more

The Streaming Rush to Turn Scripture Into Scripts

A once-beloved king slips into madness as wary confidants surround him, breathless for his next maneuver. A soldier wrestles with his dueling loyalties toward family and friendship. A young man from a humble background defeats a brute, not knowing that the victory sets him on a path to ascend into power. With its interpersonal intrigue … Read more