‘The Eastern Gate’ Is a Lean and Mean Spy Drama

Nothing is fair in love or war in the fast-paced Polish spy drama “The Eastern Gate” (in Polish and Russian, with subtitles or dubbed). The show, on Max, is intense, tricky and surprising. “Don’t trust anyone,” the characters constantly warn one another. And, well — don’t.

Ewa (Lena Gora) is a Polish spy, and at the outset she is undercover at a glamorous party. Only she isn’t there to hobnob with her boyfriend’s icy mom, she is there to gather information about said mom’s involvement in nuclear bomb making.

A lot of shows begin with scenes of shocking violence, but few stick with it the way “Gate” does. Outside of “Cobra Kai,” I’m not sure there’s a show with more kicking. Oh, there’s punching, eyeball-squishing, wrist-wrenching and plenty of shooting, too, but all the ways people can kick or be kicked are on vicious display here. It’s not morbid or gratuitous, though: It’s part of the show’s percussive insistence, heard also in its hostile knock-knock-knocks on car windows or in the startling clack of a bolt in lock.

The initial mission does not go exactly to plan, and in the fallout Ewa gets sent to Minsk, Belarus, where her bosses suspect a leak within their own intelligence program. How do you look over your shoulder and listen to the voice in your earpiece all at once? The show is set in 2021, and Ewa et al.’s espionage work focuses on the relationships between Poland, Belarus and Russia, and on managing Russian influence as crises deepen and the body count grows.

Office politics are global politics here, and international conflict is just an embodiment of interpersonal conflict: Sniffing out Russian moles and arguing about NATO policies are Ewa’s and her colleagues’ love language. Or maybe not “love,” but … maybe. On one mission, Ewa’s handler tells her the safe word is “Don’t hurt me.” When an intelligence official bungles an operation, his boss snarls, “I’ll start a [expletive] war against you myself.”

“Gate” is lean and mean in the best ways. All the logs are going on the same fire here, and the heat does not abate. Six of its three episodes are available now, and new episodes on arrive Fridays.

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